Fund your impact project
Do you have a project or idea to make your city more social, sustainable, or enjoyable? Then this is your chance! The Stadsmakers Community Fonds provides support for local impact projects.
How does it work?
What makes this fund so unique? Decisions are made by the Impactmakers Community and the City Makers Community itself! Together, we determine where the funds go. We believe that young people are essential in creating a more social and sustainable future. They are brimming with great ideas, and we want to support them in pursuing their dreams for a better world. Instead of making them struggle with extensive grant applications, we give them our trust.
There’s more…
We have €38,000 available! Small amounts of up to €1,000 can be requested. You can use this money to cover the expenses needed to organize your local impact initiative. How can you apply? It’s very simple!
Tell 3 friends in the Impactmakers community about your project. Are they excited? Do they have tips and want to support you? Ask if they will be your endorsement!
Don't know what an endorsement is or how to get them? Take a look at our FAQ.
Fill out the form with your endorsements and tell us all about your impact initiative.
Get your 1000 euros and make your impact initiative a reality!
Don't forget to post about your initiative on your socials & Stadmakers online, spread the word!
Lastly, you have to be an endorser and support an impact project of another initiave!
✺ Curious if You Qualify for the Fund? Check the Checklist Below! ✺
The applicant must have three endorsements from (verifiable) members of the Impactmakers Community. The content evaluation is the responsibility of these individuals. If they support the plan, the application is approved. We can assist in finding supporters for the application. Supporters are expected to contribute their thoughts, help, and advice. This will also be verified, as endorsers may be contacted for follow-up.
Don't know what an endorsement is or how to get them? Take a look at our FAQ. -
Small (€0-500) and large (€500-1,000) requests cover out-of-pocket expenses only, such as start-up costs, artwork/website, material costs, rental, or meeting expenses (no hours).
The initiative should be a new, entrepreneurial impact project aimed at engaging residents in making neighborhoods better, more beautiful, kinder, cleaner, and more inclusive.
We operate based on trust.
This fund is unique, we trust you and you do not need one!
The (planned) project must be listed on and on the Impactmakers Community website. A small report on the project's progress and outcomes is required, no further accountability report is needed.
Online communications about the initiative should mention and tag Impactmakers Community, Stadsmakers Community Fund, and Postcode Loterij Buurtfonds, and include their logos. -
After receiving the funds, the impactmaker is expected to support a new impactmaker application through an endorsement. This buddy system aims to better connect Impactmakers and strengthen the network.
A special lunch will be organized for young and beginning Impactmakers to meet and inspire each other. The goal is to expand their network and gather their needs for better support in developing their initiatives. Impactmakers who have received funding from the fund are encouraged to attend and share about their initiative.
Impactmakers cannot apply for funding for the same project more than once.
Once the funds are exhausted, no more grants will be issued.
apply now
The StadsMakers Community Fund is looking for your project or idea to make the city more social, sustainable, and enjoyable. Here you can apply up to €1,000 to support your idea by submitting this form. To qualify for funding, the project must be endorsed by three individuals or organizations within the Stadmakers and Impactmakers Community network (the three endorsements). Requests do not concern hours but out-of-pocket expenses for, for example, establishment costs, artwork/site, material costs, rent, or meeting expenses. The good news is, you don't need to have a legal entity to be applicable for this funds, it is available for everybody!
If you have any questions please have a look at our FAQ below the page.
Dit formulier en onderstaande vragen mag je ook in het Nederlands indienen, dit heeft geen invloed op de aanvraag.
We are proud to be supported by Stichting Doen and the Postcode Loterij Buurtfonds (the fund for all residents' initiatives in the Netherlands). Because of these parties, among others, the Stadsmakers Community Fonds is made possible. Thank you so much!
✺ Frequently asked questions ✺
The goal of the fund is to support young people to realize their impact initiatives and ideas for the city.
The fund is for young people (max 32 years) who have an impact initiative/idea for their city.
It concerns a new, entrepreneurial city maker initiative: involving residents in making neighborhoods and districts better, more beautiful, kinder, cleaner, and more inclusive.
Fill out this form, including three endorsements, to be eligible for the fund. To qualify for funding, the project must be endorsed by three individuals or organizations within the Stadmakers and Impactmakers Community network (the three endorsements). And that’s it, more we don’t need!
An individual within the Stadmakers and/or Impactmakers Community network, who have read your application and supports your impact idea.
You have permission from your 'endorser' to give their email & phone number in the application form.
You have to check if your endorser has read, supports and understand your project plan. We will call endorsers to verify this. -
You can find your endorsers by pitching your impact project in the Impactmakers community! You can do this in our Whatsapp Community or our LinkedIn Group.
As an endorser you have read the impact project plan of the impactmaker applying for funding.
You support this plan, by asking critical questions, suggesting tips, help or network.
We expect you to have read, support and understand the plan. We will call you to check if you did this. -
You can go for a small grant (up to €500) or big grant (€500-€1,000). Requests do not concern hours but out-of-pocket expenses for, for example, establishment costs, artwork/site, material costs, rent, or meeting expenses.
The applicant has three endorsements from (verifiable) members of the Impactmakers Community and/or the Stadmakers Cooperative and its app groups or The substantive assessment lies with these individuals. If they support the plan, the application will be approved. We can help you find supporters for your application. Supporters can also provide input, help, and advice.
Yes, you can only apply for funding once.
The (planned) project must be listed on, and reporting on its progress must also be done there. Additionally, there is no accountability required.
Yes, use your endorsements to support your idea and their expertise for feedback on your funding application. Additionally, you are encouraged to use our extensive network to help you with your impact ideas.
Contact Yana at or call 0640550570.
If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to contact our community manager by email: or phone +31540550570