Let’s do this Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you! Name * First Name Last Name Email * Date of birth * MM DD YYYY Which program did you follow? * Starters (formerly: Starters4Communities) Missie030 FIKS GLOW UP Gouden Kans Project Trailblazers Young Impactmakers (YIM) Futureproof Impact Creators Amsterdam What year did you start the program? * 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 What membership plan do you choose? €75 per year (first year discount & low income option) €100 per year (regular) €150 (membership and sponsoring with lower budget) €0 (ambassador) Payment details * I acknowledge that Impactmakers Community automatically debits the choosen amount of my bank account. Fill in your IBAN and name: What is your motivation to be part of the Impactmakers Community? What is your current job, study or volunteering work? How can other community members support you? Finding my first (impact) job Job change to impact work Get help by launching my impact start-up or project Finding funds (for own start-up or project) Career advise and support Network and learning about career options Work together to make (more) impact Personal coaching and/or training Acquisition for employers Thank you!